27 Questions with Caterina Gatta
Interview with the designer
by Mariella Avino

#1 What’s your favorite color?
I would say yellow as my color spirit, and bubble gum pink as my favourite color to look at.
#2 Are you a texter or a caller?
Totally a texter.
#3 What’s your favorite piece of clothing that you own?
A vintage black jacket from the early 90’s from Yves Saint Laurent.
#4 What’s a fashion trend that you think will definitely come back?
After what whe been going through, with all those sportswears, I think the beauty will come back. The pretty dresses, the 50’s super voluminous skirt.
#5 What’s your favorite cocktail?
I don’t drink, my favourite drink is a simple caffe.
#6 If you were a dessert which one would you be?
White frosted cake with chocolate and berries inside.
#7 Would you define your creations in three words?
Sartorial, unique, long-lasting.
#8 What’s something you always travel with?
My teddybear. Yes I know I’m old. But I can’t sleep without him. His name is Ermenegildo.
#9 What’s your favorite city?
New York and Los Angeles. Can’t choose between them.
#10 Describe yourself in a hashtag?
#11 Dream country to visit?
New York.
#12 Heels or flats/sneakers?
A good pair of cowboy boots, goes with everything.
#13 Vintage or New?
#14 Style icon?
Franca Sozzani
#15 Secret talent?
Skincare formulator 🙂
#16 Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
Going around the world with my collection by myself with no connection.
#17 Lipstick or lip gloss?
Lip gloss for me, lipstick to watch on others.
#18 Less is more?
Absolutely. It’s the only way to save our planet. When I want to buy something I have this rule that first I have to sell minimum two things before buying one new item.
#19 Corals or Pearls?
#20 What is your favorite designer?
Coco Chanel
#21 A piece of accessorize you love?
Bucket bags
#22 Pink or Red?
Pink! 🌸
#23 If your life were a song, what would the title be?
This is me trying.
#24 Your life motto?
“Chi fa da sé fa per tre!”
#25 What’s your guilty pleasure?
Buying Make up, palette and blushes.
#26 Who’s your favorite designer of all times?
Coco Chanel and Elsa Schiaparelli
#27 What’s your favorite account to follow on Social Media?
Isabel Page, a young girl who live in a wild forest alone in Washington state with few things. Such a powerful and inspiring beautiful creature.

27 is my special number!
I was born on July 27th and it is a key date in my family.
Every key event in my life proves to have some form of connection with this number.
When I found out that the space that became The Pink Closet had 27 as a street number, I knew it was meant to be!
So 27 will be the questions I will make to the designers, artists and artisans taking part of this exciting new chapter of the Pink Closet: The Pink Closet LAB.
Pink Questions to unveal the beautiful souls and minds behind the collaborations.
Here they are!
Thanks for reading!